trying Toobla

Recently I heard about Toobla and thought I’d give it a whirl. So far our new Agile Teams toobla library has only a few simple folders: one for agile, one for GSD (global software development) to organize our blogs, links, etc. Toobla CEO @blinkdaddy kindly sent me a suggestion to check out @bblanquera‘s very nice agile library in Toobla. I can definitely see Toobla’s value as a personal organizer (see their ’12 uses’ blog post for ideas), and I’ve now added Ben as a ‘friend’ on Toobla.

But how can I find agile libraries in Toobla by other cool people like Ben? I don’t see a search function on the site from my Toobla home page, and so far I am coming up empty with conventional web searches (try ‘toobla agile’ in your favorite engine – mine finds references to a few agile-inclined Toobla developers, Ben’s library, and mine). I am glad that they are adding support for more types of widgets (eg WordPress), and perhaps search goes a bit outside their core value proposition for visual aggregation and organization; nonetheless, at this point I’d have to say it’s my biggest wish.

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